Deplate – create latex, docbook, html documents or web-pages from wiki-like markup

Thomas Link

27. Aug 2008

1 What Is It About?

deplate …

  1. is the companion converter for the Vim viki plugin, a personal wiki for vim
  2. reads wiki-like markup (currently supported: viki, rdoc)
  3. writes LaTeX, HTML, DocBook documents
    • creates readable and (mostly) well-formed output
  4. converts embedded LaTeX formulas
  5. converts embedded on-the-fly generated content like tables/graphics via R, concept maps via dot …

2 Viki Markup

3 Embedded Code

#Code id=Foo syntax=ruby <<---
class Foo
    # Return two times x
    def bar(x)
        x * 2
class Foo
    # Return two times x
    def bar(x)
        x * 2

4 Embedded LaTeX

Some formula: {ltx: $\sum_{i=n}^{n} x_{i}$}
or simply: $\lambda_1 v_1 + \lambda_2 v_2 + ... + \lambda_n v_n$.

Some formula: $sum_{i=n}^{n} x_{i}$ or simply: $lambda_1 v_1 + lambda_2 v_2 + ... + lambda_n v_n$.

#Inlatex <<---
$det A = \sum\limits_{\pi \in S_n} sgn(\pi) a_{\pi(1)1} ... a_{\pi(n)n}$

5 (X)HTML Output

6 LaTeX Output

7 DocBook Output

8 Further Information