Use a BibTeX-File As Entry Point

A typical BibTeX files contains entries like the following1:

    author       = {Jeffrey L. Solka},
    title        = {Text Data Mining: Theory and Methods},
    journal      = {Statistics Surveys},
    year         = {2008},
    volume       = {2},
    pages        = {94-112},
    url          = { },
    keywords     = {text mining; statistics},
    abstract     = {This paper provides the reader ...},

In order to facilitate searching the BibTeX file, I suggest to edit the BibTeX file with tw=0.

It depends on the BibTeX style defined in the LaTeX source document, how the BibTeX entry is eventually formatted for inclusion in your LaTeX document. Fields your BibTeX style does not know about will be ignored by BibTeX. You can make use of this behaviour to include additional information in the BibTeX entry.

    author       = {Jeffrey L. Solka},
    title        = {Text Data Mining: Theory and Methods},
    journal      = {Statistics Surveys},
    year         = {2008},
    volume       = {2},
    pages        = {94-112},
    url          = { },
    keywords     = {text mining; statistics},
    abstract     = {This paper provides the reader ...},
    summary      = {[[SMRY::solka08]]},
    file         = {[[SDOCS::Statistics Surveys/2008/solka08.pdf]]},
    doi          = {[[DOI::10.1214/07-SS016]]},

The additional fields summary, file, and doi contain viki links that refer to intervikis. In order to turn those extra fields into hyperlinks, you can use the :VikiMinorMode in VIM. In order to always invoke this command when editing a BibTeX file, you could create a file ~/vimfiles/after/syntax/bib.vim (where vimfiles refers to your personal VIM runtime, but see :help vimfiles in VIM):


The intervikis are best defined in ~/vimfiles/after/plugin/viki.vim:

call viki#Define('SMRY',   '~/Sci/Summaries', '.txt')
call viki#Define('SDOCS',  '~/Sci/Docs')
call viki#Define('DOI',    '')

Move the cursor over the link to the summary and press <c-cr> or <a-leftmouse>. This will create or open the file ~/Sci/Summaries/solka08.txt that will contain you notes on the (randomly chosen) paper with the BibTeX ID solka08.

1I use this paper as an example because I recently added it to my BibTeX file and because I’m too lazy to come up with an contrived entry.