Deplate 0.8.5 – convert wiki-like markup to latex, docbook, html, or “html-slides”

Thomas Link

29. Nov 2008

Table of Contents

This manual was created with deplate version 0.8.5.

Navigation tips:

  • Press <a-n> to jump to the next page
  • Press <a-b> to jump to the previous one
  • Press <a-h> to jump to the title page
  • It depends on the browser whether these shortcuts are activated (e.g. Mozilla) or just selected (e.g. MS IE), in which case you have to press <enter>
1 Introduction
2 Getting deplate
3 Installation
4 Usage
5 Configuration
6 Input Formats
7 Output Formats
8 Themes
9 Modules
10 Markup
11 Regions
12 Commands
13 Macros
14 Skeletons
15 Variables and options
16 Internals
17 Extending deplate
18 Bibliography
19 Index
About this page